Dessert after a meal is one of the most irresistible treats. However, there might be better choices to make. Instead, you can have a small piece of jaggery. Jaggery is a natural sweetener that has been a part of the Indian diet for ages. Jaggery is made by crushing juice out of sugarcane with the help of oxen or electric crushers. It is then heated on a low fire until it gets soft and turns brown. Jaggery can effectively satisfy the sugar cravings one may experience after a meal. It also helps in stimulating bowel movements and activating the digestive enzymes. The natural sweetener also contains several essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is also a rich source of energy. Jaggery is more nutritious than regular refined white sugar. It is made up of longer chains of sucrose that take a longer time to break down and release energy into the body. This also means that it does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels.
The dietary fiber content of jaggery can help in preventing constipation and flatulence. It can also be an excellent natural remedy for menstrual cramps. Having jaggery with ghee right after meals can stimulate bowel movement. The iron in jaggery and the fats in ghee act as a natural laxative and ease constipation. Jaggery can also be used to treat piles or hemorrhoids. It can reduce inflammation and speed up the process of healing.
Including jaggery in your diet can also improve the quality of your skin. It is rich in vitamin C and has anti-aging properties. It also can boost your hemoglobin level, vital for red blood cell production. It can help you get rid of acne or pimples and make your skin more radiant.
Jaggery can also help you lose weight. It contains fewer calories than sugar and does not lead to weight gain. It can also be a good substitute for sugar in baking recipes. Studies have shown that using jaggery in baked goods can lower the glycemic index of the dish and prevent bloating.
Another health benefit of consuming jaggery is its ability to reduce the chances of a heart attack. It is high in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and prevent hypertension. It also aids digestion and reduces the risk of constipation by balancing the acidity levels in the body.
The natural sweetness of jaggery can be an excellent replacement for white sugar in your favorite sweet dishes and snacks. It can also be mixed with healthy ingredients like sprouted ragi health mix, wheat flour, and ginger powder to make it more nutritious. Different groups and manufacturers have been experimenting with jaggery to produce value-added products that benefit human health.