Although the most apparent pregnancy symptoms are a missed period, nausea, and a growing tummy, some women do not experience them all. Other signs of early pregnancy that might go unnoticed include a metallic taste in your mouth or extra saliva, a more acute sense of smell, and food aversions. These symptoms are due to the massive hormonal changes in early pregnancy.
One of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy is light spotting. This is known as implantation bleeding and occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus lining. This usually happens about 10 to 14 days after conception, when you might expect a menstrual period.
This symptom is prevalent and should not be feared. It is normal and a good idea to call your ob-gyn as soon as you notice it.
Many women expecting a baby experience a lot of tiredness during the first trimester. This is because the body works hard to produce enough energy for the baby and the mother. This is an excellent reason always to ensure you get plenty of rest, especially in the later stages of the pregnancy.
Other common early pregnancy symptoms include frequent urination, tender or swollen breasts, bloating, and feeling full quickly. Mood swings are also often an early sign of pregnancy, as the increased levels of hormones can cause a heightened emotional state.
Some less common pregnancy signs and symptoms might seem strange, but they are usually harmless and can be chalked up to the changing hormone levels in the early stages of pregnancy. These might include a metallic taste in your mouth or excess saliva triggered by the high estrogen levels. The same hormones also cause a sensitivity to certain odors and food aversions.
Another unusual symptom that can be seen in early pregnancy is heartburn. This symptom is caused by the hormonal changes during pregnancy, causing your stomach to empty more slowly. This could also lead to a nagging cough that seems to be stuck in your throat.